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Trudy Weaver [webmistress] Russell Powis,
Steve Poole, Tim Powys-Lybbe [TFPL] & Mick Powis
with many continued thanks to all involved

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POWYS-LYBBE in the UK Census
Submitted by TFPL

In 1881 and before there were no people called Powys-Lybbe,
so none are to be found.

However Philip Lybbe Powys Lybbe was born Powys and legally changed his name in 1863 by adding Lybbe on the end. He was known in all records as Mr Lybbe or as P L P Lybbe. Possibly his correct surname was 'Powys Lybbe' - with no hyphen. He was in the 1881 census with his new Lybbe family at 47 Tregunter Rd, London S.W.
Piece 46 Folio 78 Page 5

None of the members of his first family followed his name change, except for his sole surviving son, William, in 1882; though William died in 1888 and was in France in 1881 so is not seen in any census after 1871.

There were 4 people, all children, called Powys-Lybbe, one of whose legal names was still Powys. They were all together with their mother and stepfather and are to be found at The Bungalow, Burghfield Common, Berks: Piece 990 Folio 43 Page 19 or search on Powys or Powys Lybbe or Lybbe

Reginald C L (whose legal name was in fact just Powys)
Olga Mary (The first person ever to be born P-L)
Richard B (The first male to be born P-L)

Their grandfather Philip Powys Lybbe is not to be found in this census (or I could not find him, though he was very probably living at The Den, Patcham, Brighton, Sussex; he wrote his will there in 1887 and died there, senile, in 1897).

The above four P-L children (only, both their parents and their grandfather was by then dead) are all to be found in the 1901 census:

RCL P-L as Reginald C L Powis-Lybbe at Cirencester Agricultural
College, Gloucestershire as an Agricultural student, aged 19. Piece 2448 Folio 77 Page 9 Indexed as Lybbe

O-M P-L as Olga M Powys-Lybbe a pupil at a school in Folkestone,
Kent, aged 18. Piece 848 Folio 17 Page 26 Indexed as Lybbe

R B P-L as Richard B P Syble at a Master's (Mr Toye's) House at
Wellington School, Crowthorne, Berks, aged 16. Piece 1164 Folio 80 Page 27 Indexed as Syble

P L P-L as Philip Lybbe Powys Lybe at Clayesmore School, Clay
Hill, Enfield, Middlesex, aged 15.  Piece 1271 Folio 29 Page 7 Indexed as Lybe

Their only surviving ancestor was their grandmother who was to be
found in the 1901 census as Annie Powys in No 3, Fourth Avenue, Hove, East Sussex.
Piece 936 Folio 60 Page 18

After their mother's death in 1895, the four P-L children were looked after by their aunt Julia, nee Powys, who had married Philip Shuttleworth Darnell in 1883 and is to be found in the 1901 census with Philip and their younger son Reginald in Cox Hill House, Chobham, Surrey aged 50. Piece 595 Folio 26 Page 5

Tim Powys-Lybbe
8th March 2007


[email protected]

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